This post was updated last time on November 23rd supporting the latest version 3.4
Malware Fighter is an advanced malware & spyware removal utility that detects and removes the deepest infections, and protects your PC from malicious behavior in real time.
Download Malware Fighter
You can download the Free version directly from iObit page. Click here

At this moment, all giveaway licences numbers are expired. Although, I have managed some tricks allowing you to enjoy the Pro version without spending a cent. Along this post I will use MF to mention Malware Figher.Alternative 1 (BETA)
Summary: This the most efficient activation method I have found. I discovered that when you change the licence key, there is a data file located on Malware Fighter installation location which is modified. This method consists on turning off network, enter a licence to get Pro and change the attributes of the file to read-only. To make this easier, I developed a tool that will work for you. Shall we move on? :)1- If you have Malware Fighter installed, great. Else, above you can find the link and download the Free vesion.
2- Download my tool here, on Zippyshare. Extract the files and run the executable file (you must have MF installed).
3- Disconnect from Internet. Open Malware Fighter and use the licence number 1291B-7F914-A52C8-E90AF. You will get an error, that is OK, you now have Pro version. We are not done yet.
4- The file to run is IObit Activator 2015.exe, you downloaded above. I developed the application on Command line interface, but it's easy to use :)

3- Type 1 on the console and hit the Enter key.
4- The program will automatically search for MF (Malware Fighter) installation location. If the program can't find it, it will ask you for the directory. Just input it. To check where did you installed, you can right-click on MF shortcut andOpen Location
This is correct: C:\example
This is not correct: C:\example\
If you didn't input a valid directory the program will enter a looping prompting you that the path is not valid, so do not worry if you typed it wrong.

5- The program will look like above. The first lines are about the step 3 on this article. Just hit the Enter key so that the program concludes its job.

Found a bug? Got an exception error? Please, report below.

Alternative 2
Summary: Just want to say this method are not working for some. Only use this as optional or in case Alternative 1 didn't worked. This is a classic trick to activate MF, which is edit the system hosts file adding the IP address used by MF.Let's move on then.
Open the notepad as administrator. How? To do it, you can easily search Notepad on start menu, right-click, Open as Administrator. Other alternative, is browsing to the folder Windows Accessories inside Start menu files. Expand the folder and you will find the Notepad. Right-click and run as admin.

Ok, now that Notepad is running with administrator rights, allowing you to create and save files on protected system directories, on File click Open and browse to the directory C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. Because you have run Notepad as admin, the initial path is (might be) by default C:\Windows\System32 (1). Ok, the folder will look empty. That's because by default Explorer will only list Text files. Below, on the dropdown box, click All Files (2).

Select the file hosts (3) and then Open (4).
Insert a new line and paste localhost127.0.0.1 is360.iobit.com
Make sure you paste it after the comment section. All comments lines will be ignored start with a #.
This is a final example of how it should like. Your hosts file may have more lines.

Go to File and Save. You can now exit from Notepad.
Turn off your internet connection.
On MF main screen, click hover Activate Now button. A registration window will show up. Paste one of the following licence numbers.
Hit Register Now button.
You will see a warning message box, like this
No worries, in fact you are now able to use the Pro version. That's it.

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